Dear visitors, dear tenants – we are happy to be back again for all of you! Together we will do everything required in order to guarantee a safe shopping experience in our centers. We have taken numerous measures and kindly ask you to please adhere to the following points! #WelcomeBack!
Let us be considerate of each other:
- Please keep your distance
- Please park in every second place, and if this is not possible, keep a distance when getting in/out of vehicles
- Please consider the valid recommendation / obligation for wearing a nose-mouth-masks (masks are available in the following shops: Grey Wolf, Marylin, Perfect Clean, Piotr i Paweł, Superpharm)
- Please wash and disinfect your hands regularly
- Please conduct contactless payment options instead of cash wherever possible
- Please use elevators only if you rely upon them. In order to meet the governmentally regulated minimum distance, the usage of elevators is only allowed for single persons or groups belonging together
- Please make sure to keep a distance of minimum 4 steps when using the escalators
- Please consider the hints and information among the center and within shops
Many thanks for your support!
In order to make sure that you can have a relaxed and calmed shopping experience, we have defined numerous preventive measures:
1. Increased cleaning of frequently used touch points such as door handles, escalator handrails, elevator buttons
2. Security service monitors compliance with official regulations and sensitizes center visitors to keep their distance
3. Disinfectant dispensers in entrance areas, restrooms and along the shopping street
4. Advice on generally valid preventive behavior at center entrances, guard rooms and along the shopping street, these are Observance of distance requirements, advice on regular hand hygiene, recommendation on contactless payment, recommendation on wearing a face mask, recommendations on wearing disposable gloves during shopping, recommendations on keeping a distance while parking, prudent behavior
5. Notes on the use of lifts and escalators
6. Disabling of relaxation and rest zones (including benches).
7. Closure of playgrounds for children
8. Deactivation of the center WIFI to reduce the stay
9. Sensitization of the resident tenants to compliance with and implementation of the official regulations
10. Regular customer information through notices, center website and Facebook
11. Regular information to rental partners through tenant circulars
12. No events and center actions until at least the end of August 2020
13. If required by the authorities or if necessary: Admission or inflow control as well as routing, queue management in front of the center entrances, separation of entrances and exits, creation of one-way traffic in narrow places